Avigo Health
At Avigo Health LLC we strive to find better ways of getting the newly born promptly immunized at birth...
Happier Families
With healthier babies families are happier, all because we care...
Swifter Birth Reporting
Now it is easier reporting births even from the remotest of places...
Smoother Bio Enrollment
Enrollment into the national biometric system now gets smoother and interesting...
Immunization. At the earliest.
We strive to reduce infant mortality by ensuring that births in rural communities never go unattended to...We do this by bringing the latest technologies to rural communnities through our strategically built reporting system.
our core values
We are mindful of how early news of births get to health centres to enable prompt inmmunization...
We strive to not only give you the best but to be efficient in what we do...
Our services are customer centered...
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